The following example module connects to Nexxus, retrieves the configuration for the system, and then goes idle. It impliments a few IPC commands. The 'PING' command will cause the module to attempt to ping the remote node. The AUTO_PING_SET command will enable or disable asynchronous event notification. If enabled, an unsolicited message with a job id of 0 is sent to the client with the results of the ping. It is a very simple module, and is here only to demonstrate how to use libloose.a to simplify the process of writing VACM modules. For an example of a more complex module, examine the EMP module source code.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <libloose.h> static void config_cb(__uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *msg); static void deinit_cb(__uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *msg); static void discon_cb(__uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *msg); static void ipc_cb(char *node_id, __uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *msg); static int do_ping(__uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *node_id); static int timer_cb(void *arg); #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE !TRUE #define KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(x) { int __bleh; __bleh = (int) x;} typedef struct nodelist { char node_id[64]; unsigned int ip_address; int subscribers[255]; int timer_tag; struct nodelist *next; struct nodelist *prev; } NODELIST; static NODELIST *node_create(char *node_id); static NODELIST *lookup_node(char *node_id); static void node_destroy(NODELIST *node); static void node_remove_client(NODELIST *node, int client_fd); static int node_add_client(NODELIST *node, int client_fd); static NODELIST *nodelist_head = NULL; static NODELIST *nodelist_tail = NULL; int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(argc); KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(argv); lm_init(); lm_nexxus_connect(); if (lm_register("ICMP ECHO", "ICMP Echo Tester", "Sends ICMP ECHO messages to a remote host to test connectivity", "San Mehat (", "ICMP_ECHO", 1, 0) < 0) { printf("Unable to register module with Nexxus\n"); exit(-1); } lm_main_loop(config_cb, deinit_cb, discon_cb, ipc_cb); exit(0); } static int timer_cb(void *arg) { NODELIST *node = (NODELIST *) arg; int rc; rc = do_ping(0, 0, node->node_id); #if 0 printf("[PING] Node '%s' -> %s\n", node->node_id, (rc == 0 ? "OK" : "FAIL")); #endif return(TRUE); } static void config_cb(__uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *msg) { NODELIST *node; char *cmd_module; char *node_id; KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(job_id); KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(client_fd); cmd_module = strtok(msg, ":"); node_id = strtok(NULL, ":"); node = lookup_node(node_id); if (!strcasecmp(cmd_module, "NODE")) node = node_create(node_id); else if (!strcasecmp(cmd_module, "END_NODE")) { } else if (!strcasecmp(cmd_module, "ADDITION")) { node = node_create(node_id); } else if (!strcasecmp(cmd_module, "DELETION")) { node_destroy(node); } else if (!strcasecmp(cmd_module, "RENAME")) { char *new_name; if (!(new_name = strtok(NULL,":"))) { printf("[ICMP ECHO] Malformatted cfg msg\n"); return; } strcpy(node->node_id, new_name); } else if (!strcasecmp(cmd_module, "GLOBAL")) { char *variable; char *value; if (!(variable = strtok(NULL,":"))) { printf("[ICMP ECHO] Malformatted cfg msg\n"); return; } if (!(value = strtok(NULL,":"))) { printf("[ICMP ECHO] Malformatted cfg msg\n"); return; } if (!strcasecmp(variable, "IP_ADDRESS")) { struct in_addr addr; char msg[255]; node->ip_address = inet_addr(value); addr.s_addr = node->ip_address; snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Node '%s' (ip %s) ready", node_id,inet_ntoa(addr)); lm_log(msg); } } else if (!strcasecmp(cmd_module, "ICMP_ECHO")) { char *variable; if (!(variable = strtok(NULL,":"))) { printf("[ICMP ECHO] Malformatted cfg msg\n"); return; } printf("[ICMP ECHO] Received unknown local module variable '%s'\n", variable); } else printf("[ICMP ECHO] Received unknown config event <%s>\n",cmd_module); } static void deinit_cb(__uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *msg) { KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(job_id); KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(client_fd); KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(msg); printf("[ICMP ECHO] Received request to shutdown\n"); lm_nexxus_disconnect(); exit(0); } static void discon_cb(__uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *msg) { NODELIST *node; KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(job_id); KNOWN_UNUSED_PARAM(msg); node = nodelist_head; while(node) { node_remove_client(node, client_fd); node = node->next; } } static void ipc_cb(char *node_id, __uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *msg) { char *cmd; char response_msg[255]; char *node_id_glob; NODELIST *node; if (!(cmd = strtok(msg, ":"))) goto out_malformatted; if (!(node_id_glob = strtok(msg, ":"))) goto out_malformatted; if (!(node = lookup_node(node_id))) { sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:JOB_ERROR:NODE_NOT_FOUND", job_id, client_fd); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); return; } if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "PING")) { do_ping(job_id, client_fd, node_id); } else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "AUTO_PING_SET")) { char *mode; if (!(mode = strtok(NULL, ":"))) goto out_malformatted; if (!strcasecmp(mode, "ON")) node_add_client(node, client_fd); else if (!strcasecmp(mode, "OFF")) node_remove_client(node, client_fd); else goto out_malformatted; sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:JOB_COMPLETED", job_id, client_fd); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); } else { sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:JOB_ERROR:UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE", job_id, client_fd); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); } return; out_malformatted: sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:JOB_ERROR:MALFORMATTED_MESSAGE", job_id, client_fd); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); } static int node_add_client(NODELIST *node, int client_fd) { int I_c1; for (I_c1 = 0; I_c1 < 255; I_c1 ++) { if (node->subscribers[I_c1] == client_fd) { printf("[ICMP ECHO] client fd %d already subscribed!\n",client_fd); return(0); } } /* New subscription */ if (node->timer_tag == -1) node->timer_tag = lm_timer_add(15, timer_cb, node); for (I_c1 = 0; I_c1 < 255; I_c1 ++) { if (node->subscribers[I_c1] == -1) { node->subscribers[I_c1] = client_fd; return(0); } } if (I_c1 == 255) { printf("[ICMP ECHO] No client slots available\n"); return(-1); } return(0); } static void node_remove_client(NODELIST *node, int client_fd) { int I_c1; int cnt = 0; for (I_c1 = 0; I_c1 < 255; I_c1 ++) { if (node->subscribers[I_c1] == client_fd) { node->subscribers[I_c1] = -1; break; } } if (I_c1 == 255) return; // Not subscribed for (I_c1 = 0; I_c1 < 255; I_c1 ++) if (node->subscribers[I_c1] != -1) cnt++; if (cnt == 0) { lm_timer_remove(node->timer_tag); node->timer_tag = -1; } } static int do_ping(__uint32_t job_id, int client_fd, char *node_id) { char response_msg[255]; char SZ_command[255]; char SZ_line[255]; NODELIST *node; FILE *pipe; struct in_addr addr; char *p = NULL; char *q; int I_c1; if (!(node = lookup_node(node_id))) { if (job_id) { sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:JOB_ERROR:NODE_NOT_FOUND", job_id, client_fd); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); } return(-1); } addr.s_addr = node->ip_address; sprintf(SZ_command,"/bin/ping -c 1 %s", inet_ntoa(addr)); if (!(pipe = popen(SZ_command,"r"))) { if (job_id) { sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:JOB_ERROR:INTERNAL_ERROR (%m)", job_id, client_fd); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); } return(-1); } while(fgets(SZ_line, sizeof(SZ_line), pipe)) { p = q = NULL; SZ_line[(strlen(SZ_line)-1)] = 0x00; if (strstr(SZ_line,"bytes from")) { if (!(p = strstr(SZ_line, "time="))) { sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:JOB_ERROR:INTERNAL_ERROR (NO TIME)", job_id, client_fd); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); pclose(pipe); return(-1); } p+=5; if (!(q = rindex(SZ_line, ' '))) { sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:JOB_ERROR:INTERNAL_ERROR (NO TIME)", job_id, client_fd); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); pclose(pipe); return(-1); } *q=0; break; } } if (job_id) { if (!p) { sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:%s:TIMED_OUT", job_id, client_fd, node->node_id); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); } else { sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:%s", job_id, client_fd, p); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); } sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:JOB_COMPLETED", job_id, client_fd); lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); } else { for (I_c1 = 0; I_c1 < 255; I_c1 ++) { if (node->subscribers[I_c1] != -1) { if (!p) { sprintf(response_msg, "0:%d:FOR:%s:TIMED_OUT", node->subscribers[I_c1], node->node_id); } else { sprintf(response_msg, "%d:%d:FOR:%s", job_id, client_fd, p); } lm_send_to_nexxus(response_msg); } } } pclose(pipe); if (p) return(0); else return(-1); } static NODELIST *node_create(char *node_id) { NODELIST *new; int I_c1; if (!(new = (NODELIST *) malloc(sizeof(NODELIST)))) return(0); memset(new, 0, sizeof(NODELIST)); if (!nodelist_head) nodelist_head = nodelist_tail = new; else { nodelist_tail->next = new; new->prev = nodelist_tail; nodelist_tail = new; } for (I_c1=0; I_c1 <255;I_c1++) new->subscribers[I_c1] = -1; new->timer_tag = -1; strcpy(new->node_id, node_id); return(new); } static NODELIST *lookup_node(char *node_id) { NODELIST *scan; if (!node_id) return(NULL); scan = nodelist_head; while(scan) { if (!strcmp(node_id, scan->node_id)) return(scan); scan = scan->next; } return(NULL); } static void node_destroy(NODELIST *node) { if (node == nodelist_head) { nodelist_head = nodelist_head->next; if (nodelist_head) nodelist_head->prev = NULL; else nodelist_tail = NULL; } else if (node == nodelist_tail) { nodelist_tail = nodelist_tail->prev; if (nodelist_tail) nodelist_tail->next = NULL; else nodelist_head = NULL; } else { node->next->prev = node->prev; node->prev->next = node->next; } free(node); } |